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Recorded April 10, 2020
 We have a couple great topics today — and only one of them is a COVID-19 related topic. So, it turns out that you can fake fingerprints. The good news is that it takes a lot of time, equipment and expertise. It is much easier for a criminal to just make you unlock it yourself. We have also seen an unprecedented level of collaboration and righteous anger across all vendors responding to COVID-based scams. Literally everyone is just watching, documenting, and hunting anyone screwing around with anything even tangentially related to the current health crisis. The challenge is that all the cooks are in the kitchen, which is really a good problem to have.

Send us your questions for the next "Quittin' Time" episode — @TalosSecurity #BWT.

The timeline:

  • 01:00 — Roundtable: R6 oddities, cookie cutters, QoSing yourself to death
  • 09:45 — Fun with (anyone’s) fingerprints
  • 23:25 — Global collaboration combatting Corona/COVID scammers
  • 36:45 — Closing thoughts and parting shots

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