We also took some still photos of the Rocket Pig launch from last week. Here is Rocket Pig getting launched:

And the construction and firing of the Mk 1 Big Rocket.
Matt Olney, Alex Kambis and Ryan Pentney constructing the rocket:

Matt Olney checking the rocket motors are securely held in place using state of the art sticky tape technology:

Placing the rocket on the launch pad:

Ryan making sure the connections from the firing mechanism to the rocket motors are good:

Ready for launch:


In flight, showing the laser straight trajectory:

We'd like to show photos of the rocket after the flight, unfortunately though, we can't do that because, well, we lost it somewhere. It may be in orbit or it may be in someones backyard, we're not sure which. What we do know is that NASA is really jealous of the fact that we can launch rockets into space using one billionth of their budget.