A number of issues for Microsoft products this month, here are some selections...
Microsoft Security Advisory (MS09-028):
Microsoft DirectShow contains programming errors that may allow a remote attacker to execute code on an affected system.
Rules to detect attacks targeting these vulnerabilities are included in this release and are identified with GID 3, SIDs 15680 and 15682.
Microsoft Security Advisory (MS09-029):
The Microsoft Open Type Font implementation contains programming errors that may allow a remote attacker to execute code on an affected system.
Rules to detect attacks targeting this vulnerability are included in this release and are identified with GID 3, SIDs 15530, 15532 and 15533.
Microsoft Security Advisory (MS09-030):
Microsoft Publisher contains a programming error that may allow a remote attacker to execute code on an affected system.
A rule to detect attacks targeting this vulnerability is included in this release and is identified with GID 3, SID 15681.
Microsoft Security Advisory (MS09-031):
The Microsoft ISA server contains a programming error that may allow a remote attacker to gain unauthorized access to an affected system.
A rule to detect attacks targeting this vulnerability is included in this release and is identified with GID 3, SID 15683.
Microsoft Security Advisory (MS09-032):
The Microsoft Video ActiveX control contains a vulnerability that may allow a remote attacker to execute code on a vulnerable system. The attacker may take advantage of the vulnerability via a call to the ActiveX control from Internet Explorer. This vulnerability requires no user interaction and is being actively exploited.
Previously released rules to detect attacks targeting this vulnerability are included in this release with updated references, and are identified with GID 1, SIDs 15588 through 15677.
Advisory is available here: http://www.snort.org/vrt/advisories/2009/07/14/vrt-rules-2009-07-14.html