Cisco Talos Blog

February 9, 2016 15:59

Microsoft Patch Tuesday - February 2016

Today, Microsoft has released their monthly set of security bulletins designed to address security vulnerabilities within their products. This month’s release contains twelve bulletins addressing 37 vulnerabilities. Five bulletins are rated critical and address vulnerabilities in

February 5, 2016 15:32

Vulnerability Spotlight: Libgraphite Font Processing Vulnerabilities

Vulnerabilities Discovered by Yves Younan of Cisco Talos. Talos is releasing an advisory for four vulnerabilities that have been found within the Libgraphite library, which is used for font processing in Linux, Firefox, LibreOffice, and other major applications. The most severe

January 14, 2016 11:03

Research Spotlight: Needles in a Haystack

This post was authored by Mariano Graziano. Malware sandboxes are automated dynamic analysis systems that execute programs in a controlled environment. Within the large volumes of samples submitted daily to these services, some submissions appear to be different from others and

December 17, 2015 11:23

Threat Spotlight: Holiday Greetings from Pro PoS – Is your payment card data someone else’s Christmas present?

The post was authored by Ben Baker and Earl Carter. Payment cards without an EMV chip have reached their end-of-life. Point of Sale (PoS) malware, such as PoSeidon, has continued to threaten businesses. The news is continually filled with stories of payment card data being stole

June 30, 2015 06:32

Vulnerability Spotlight: Apple Quicktime Corrupt stbl Atom Remote CodeExecution

This post was authored by Rich Johnson, William Largent, and Ryan Pentney. Earl Carter contributed to this post. Cisco Talos, in conjunction with Apple’s security advisory issued on June 30th,  is disclosing the discovery of a remote code execution vulnerability within Apple Qui

April 27, 2015 04:39

Threat Spotlight: TeslaCrypt - Decrypt It Yourself

This post was authored by: Andrea Allievi, Earl Carter & Emmanuel Tacheau Update 4/28: Windows files recompiled with backward compatibility in Visual Studio 2008 Update 5/8: We've made the source code available via Github here After the takedown of Cryptolocker, we hav