Threat Source Newsletter (Nov. 18, 2021)
Good afternoon, Talos readers. This is our last newsletter before Thanksgiving in the U.S. next week, so now's as good of a time as any to remind you: If a deal seems too good to be true, it probably is. To prep online shoppers for the upcoming Cyber Monday and Black Friday
Threat Source newsletter (Nov. 11, 2021)
Good afternoon, Talos readers. It's important to be proactive, and not reactive, with your security. It's always better to see the worst coming and block it than have to scramble to deal with the worst-case scenario in the moment. That's why it's so important to
Threat Source newsletter (Nov. 4, 2021)
Good afternoon, Talos readers. A series of vulnerabilities in Microsoft Exchange Server made waves earlier this year for coming under attack. And while they've come and gone from the headlines since then, attackers are still very much paying attention. Attackers spreading t
Threat Source newsletter (Oct. 28, 2021)
Good afternoon, Talos readers. Most people know about chicken and waffles. But what about squirrel and waffles? They may not be the most appetizing brunch, but they are teaming up for one heck of a spam campaign. We have new research out detailing this threat and examining whet
Threat Source newsletter (Oct. 21, 2021)
Good afternoon, Talos readers. We're writing this on Wednesday for PTO reasons, so apologies if we miss any major news that happens after Wednesday afternoon. Above, you can watch our awesome live stream from Monday with Brad Garnett from Cisco Talos Incident Response. Brad
Threat Source newsletter (Oct. 14, 2021)
Good afternoon, Talos readers. It's still Cybersecurity Awareness Month, and what better way to celebrate by patching and then patching some more? This week was Microsoft Patch Tuesday, which only included two critical vulnerabilities, but still requires patching diligence.
Threat Source newsletter (Oct. 7, 2021)
Good afternoon, Talos readers. Every day, we see mountains and mountains of data. So how do we comb through all of it to find out what's important to customers and users? Well, there are many ways, but we wanted to give readers and researchers a look into at least one option
Threat Source newsletter (Sept. 30, 2021)
Good afternoon, Talos readers. In the latest example of attackers trying to capitalize on current headlines, we've spotted a group using the recent fervor around the Pegasus spyware to spread malware. We've detailed a campaign in which the attackers have copied (nearly
Threat Source newsletter (Sept. 23, 2021)
Good afternoon, Talos readers. The Russian APT Turla is one of the most notorious threat actors out there today. And they aren't stopping, recently adding a new backdoor to their arsenal that serves as a "last chance" to retain a foothold on victim machines, even a