Late last month, Immunity published a blog post concerning a new way to escape the Java security warnings using a novel and simple method, by using the convenient Java Web Start framework. The Immunity team discovered a parameter called __applet_ssv_validated
that sets whether you can run older versions of jre without user validation (Secure Static Versioning). Setting this parameter to true in the applet itself did nothing.
This brings us to Java Web Start. As a framework meant to facilitate running applets, JWS uses a custom XML document with a special tag, jnlp. When you call an applet you can pass along parameters to the applet you want to run in your browser, including __applet_ssv_validated
, like so: "<param name="__applet_ssv_validated" value="true" />
". This is one of the simplest Java exploits to come out in the last year or so, and it was jumped on immediately by exploit kit builders, most notably Blackhole.
The good news is that since it's so simple it can easily be detected, ClamAV signature Java.Trojan.Agent-26 detects it and Snort rules 26524 and 26525 have been out since the beginning of this month and have caught many potential attacks, such as the one below:

Since those rules have been released, exploit kit writers have been busy trying to obfuscate this exploit. A new variant caught by another exploit kit rule, 26535, now uses a jnlp_embedded which is used to pass along supplemental applet data parameter to paste the entire exploit in it's value field, using base 64 encoding thusly:

Detecting the jnlp_embedded parameter we can set snort to decode base 64 data and look for the same exploit conditions. Those rules are 26646 and 26647 and clam sig Java.Trojan.Agent-29.