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Recorded April 22, 2020
We are renaming these episodes. “Quittin’ time” was OK and all, but “The In-between” better captures what these episodes are. Compared to our normal episodes, you can expect the same lack of actual security content presented in Vol. 1, just a shorter format. You seem to enjoy us taking your (sometimes crazy) questions from Twitter, so keep sending them! We are doing these extra episodes because we need to laugh and have some fun right now, and hopefully give you the same little break from reality. We want you to come on in and have a laugh on us.
Send us your questions for the next "Quittin' Time" episode — @TalosSecurity #BWT.
The timeline: It’s all your questions from Twitter. And it’s short. I don’t think you need a topic guide.
The links: This ain't it, Chief.
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