Microsoft Patch Tuesday for March 2025 — Snort rules and prominent vulnerabilities
Microsoft has released its monthly security update for March of 2025 which includes 57 vulnerabilities affecting a range of products, including 6 that Microsoft marked as “critical”.
MoonPeak malware from North Korean actors unveils new details on attacker infrastructure
Cisco Talos has uncovered a new remote access trojan (RAT) family we are calling “MoonPeak.” This a XenoRAT-based malware, which is under active development by a North Korean nexus cluster we are calling “UAT-5394.”
TimbreStealer campaign targets Mexican users with financial lures
Talos has observed a phishing spam campaign targeting potential victims in Mexico, luring users to download a new obfuscated information stealer we’re calling TimbreStealer, which has been active since at least November 2023.
Astaroth, Mekotio & Ousaban abusing Google Cloud Run in LATAM-focused malware campaigns
Since September 2023, we have observed a significant increase in the volume of malicious emails leveraging the Google Cloud Run service to infect potential victims with banking trojans.
A deep dive into Phobos ransomware, recently deployed by 8Base group
Cisco Talos has recently observed an increase in activity conducted by 8Base, a ransomware group that uses a variant of the Phobos ransomware and other publicly available tools to facilitate their operations.
Understanding the Phobos affiliate structure and activity
Cisco Talos identified the most prolific Phobos variants, TTPs and affiliate structure, based on their activity and analysis of over 1,000 samples from VirusTotal dating back to 2019. We assess with moderate confidence Eking, Eight, Elbie, Devos and Faust are the most common variants
Qakbot-affiliated actors distribute Ransom Knight malware despite infrastructure takedown
The threat actors behind the Qakbot malware have been conducting a campaign since early August 2023 in which they have been distributing Ransom Knight ransomware and the Remcos backdoor via phishing emails.
".Zip" top-level domains draw potential for information leaks
As a result of user applications increasingly registering actual “.zip” files as URLs, these filenames may trigger unintended DNS queries or web requests, thereby revealing possibly sensitive or internal company data in a file’s name to any actor monitoring the associated DNS server
Following the LNK metadata trail
While tracking some prevalent commodity malware threat actors, Talos observed the popularization of malicious LNK files as their initial access method to download and execute payloads. A closer look at the LNK files illustrates how their metadata could be used to identify and track new campaigns.