Beers with Talos (BWT) Podcast episode No. 73 is now available. Download this episode and subscribe to Beers with Talos:

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Recorded Feb. 19, 2020
Craig made an oopsie. Pardon his echo-chamber reverb. We had no idea until he sent in his audio for mixing. This is a shorter episode focusing on software licencing and features, as well as vulnerability disclosure. Join us to talk about vendors' abilities to disable feature sets and owning versus using products. We further chat about vulnerabilities and how a vendor with no security advisories is often seen as a “more secure” option, when in fact, that can mean the exact opposite.
The timeline:
- 01:00 — Roundtable: Oh man. That reverb.
- 04:25 — Software licensing: Do you own the features of the products and software you have purchased?
- 15:35 — Vuln disclosure: How can security advisories be viewed as a bad thing?
Featuring: Craig Williams (@Security_Craig), Joel Esler (@JoelEsler) and Nigel Houghton (@EnglishLFC). Hosted by Mitch Neff (@MitchNeff)
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