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Recorded March 13, 2020
Of course, we have to talk about the implications of coronavirus. It's affecting the way business and security are getting done. While everything about the COVID-19 pandemic seems to be a fluid situation, a rare constant has been the same rehashed disaster scams. But that could quickly change with the mass shift toward remote work. This episode takes a look at both securing that shift as well as practical advice for those of us finding ourselves newly remote employees.
The timeline:
- 00:50 — Roundtable: The MOST imminent danger may be unplanned dark times
- 07:05 — Coronavirus/COVID-related scams we have seen; same creeps, different content.
- 12:20 — What we can expect with everyone working from home?
- 14:10 — How can we help/advise the new remote workforce masses?
- 25:00 — The culture shift of WFH: General tips for the newly remote
- 29:05 — Parting shots and closing thoughts
The links:Coronavirus scam alerts (Talos blog)
Cisco free offers for newly remote workforce
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