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Recorded May 1, 2020
Sammi is back and the rest of the crew is here to hang out and chat. As is The In-Between Way — we avoid discussing security at all. These episodes are all about just keeping in touch and having some fun. Despite Joel forgetting his one job on this podcast, we are taking your (sometimes crazy) questions from Twitter on these episodes, so keep sending them for the next "The In-Between" episode — @TalosSecurity #BWT.
The timeline:
- 01:00 — Joel tries to deny the voice of the listeners. For shame.
- 03:00 – Building rockets, Sammi-style
- 10:00 – Gen Xer’s complaining about “back in the day” stuff
- 11:00 – The Twitter questions come in, despite Joel’s efforts to block them
- 29:30 – The Close. No Closing Shots today, it’s all banter in these EPs.
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