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Recorded May 8, 2020
Brad Garnett from Cisco Talos Incident Response joins us today to talk about DFIR, the Talos Quarterly Trends Report, and how a high-speed police chase on reality TV kick-started his DFIR career. That’s not even clickbait, for real. After Brad drops a quick IR trends briefing on us, the crew drills down on some key findings.
We are taking your questions from Twitter so keep sending them for the next "The In-Between" episode — @TalosSecurity #BWT.
The timeline:
- 00:45 — Roundtable: Jack FM, distance greeting rituals, vigorous gardening,
- 07:00 — Meet Brad Garnett: Be cool, he’s a cop, and the airport chase
- 11:30 — Incident Response trends mini-brief with Brad
- 31:00 — Talos Incident Response obligatory plug
- 32:30 — Closing thoughts, parting shots
The links:
- Nigel and Matt’s graphing tool timesuck
- 3 Blue 1 Brown Youtube channel
- Cisco Talos Quarterly Trends Report
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