Beers with Talos (BWT) Podcast Episode 14 is now available. Download this episode and subscribe to Beers with Talos:

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EP14 Show Notes: We haven’t gone around the table and introduced ourselves in some time (about 50k downloads ago), so we take the time we usually complain about things at the top of the show to do that.
We have seen a massive amount of “top-tier” threats in the last six months or so. While it might seem like comparing apples and oranges (hint: it is), the crew takes a stab at ranking these recent threats/attacks: CCleaner, Deloitte, Equifax, Nyetya, SEC, Shamoon2, WannaCry. Shockingly, all of us have a different ranking. What’s your list look like?
Regarding response: Consistency matters, don’t be clever. We discuss some recent unbelievably boneheaded things we have seen in security response. More importantly, we discuss how one SHOULD respond to an incident.
Remember: Complexity kills. Unfortunately, it doesn’t kill thought leaders.
EP14 Timetable: 01:30 - Roundtable - WHOOOO are you?
12:35 - Ranking Threats - Is 2017 the “Year of the Supply Chain Attack”?
37:50 - Breach Response: The Good, Bad, and Ugly - Just be honest
53:10 - Complexity will kill you
59:20 - Closing shots and parting thoughts
The Links:
How to be a Thought Leader video:
Talos blog “On Conveying Doubt” - /on-conveying-doubt