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By Mitch Neff.

Recorded July 17, 2020

The gang's all back this week, and we take on what happens when you get pwnd, hacked, or your data is leaked. It happens to all of us eventually, one quick moment connecting to public WiFi, clicking on a bad link when you just aren’t paying enough attention, or your account data is leaked through no real fault of your own. So, what do you do first when it happens to you? Sure, this is a fundamental review for some, but you can thank us the next time your brother’s co-worker’s uncle calls you because “these hackers” — and you can just send a link to this episode. (If your niece or nephew sent you this link, I’m sorry you had to find out this way, but no worries, we got you).

The timeline:

  • 01:00 — Roundtable: Nigel's living his best birthday life
  • 07:00 — When you get pwnd: How to know, how to triage, how to recover
  • 17:45 — A quick word on password management and managers
  • 20:00 — Getting UnPwnd: The order of operations matters a lot, and it’s situational.
  • 26:15 — Parting shots, closing thoughts

Hosted by Mitch Neff (@MitchNeff).

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