Incident Response trends Q2 2023: Data theft extortion rises, while healthcare is still most-targeted vertical
Ransomware was the second most-observed threat this quarter, accounting for 17 percent of engagements, a slight increase from last quarter’s 10 percent.
How Talos IR’s Purple Team can help you prepare for the worst-case scenario
A Purple Team exercise is a collaborative approach between offensive (Red) teams and defensive (Blue) teams.
Cybersecurity for businesses of all sizes: A blueprint for protection
Developing a robust cybersecurity practice involves implementing multiple layers of security measures that are interconnected and continually monitored, including training and awareness programs to ensure that employees follow best practices.
Quarterly Report: Incident Response Trends in Q1 2023
In 45 percent of engagements, attackers exploited public-facing applications to establish initial access, a significant increase from 15 percent the previous quarter.
Researcher Spotlight: Giannis Tziakouris first learned how to fix his family’s PC, and now he’s fixing networks all over the globe
As a senior incident responder, Giannis helps Cisco Talos Incident Response customers secure and respond to security incidents across the world.
How an incident response retainer can drive proactive security
Whether it be threat hunting, an active defense posture or just improving security instrumentation alerts and logs an organization keeps, it’s best for every user — no matter the size — to be prepared for when a cybersecurity incident or breach occurs.
Increasing trust, commitment, and predictability during a remote incident response
In this blog post, Cisco Talos Incident Response (Talos IR) presents some of the key benefits of remote IR support and offers a list of recommendations for working on a remote incident.
Protecting major events: an incident response blueprint
Cisco Talos Incident Response (Talos IR) is sharing a white paper on the steps organizations should follow to secure any major event. These ten focus areas should help guide any organizing committee or participating businesses in preparation for securing such events..
The Company You Keep – Preparing for supply chain attacks with Talos IR
Organizations must proactively limit supply chain risks through careful selection of the company they keep while preparing to respond to an incident that will invariably originate from the supply chain.