Cisco Talos Blog

April 18, 2023 11:02

State-sponsored campaigns target global network infrastructure

This campaign, dubbed "Jaguar Tooth," is an example of a much broader trend of sophisticated adversaries targeting networking infrastructure to advance espionage objectives or pre-position for future destructive activity.

April 5, 2023 11:23

Vulnerability Spotlight: Vulnerabilities in popular Japanese word processing software could lead to arbitrary code execution, other issues

Ichitaro uses the ATOK input method (IME) and uses the proprietary .jtd file extension. It’s the second most-popular word processing system in Japan behind only Microsoft word.

April 4, 2023 08:00

Typhon Reborn V2: Updated stealer features enhanced anti-analysis and evasion capabilities

The stealer is for sale on dark web forums for $59 a month, or $540 for a lifetime subscription, which is relatively inexpensive compared to other infostealers.

April 3, 2023 11:08

Vulnerability Spotlight: Buffer overflow vulnerability in ADMesh library

A specially crafted STL file can lead to a heap buffer overflow.

March 14, 2023 07:00

Talos uncovers espionage campaigns targeting CIS countries, embassies and EU health care agency

Cisco Talos has identified a new espionage oriented threat actor, which we are naming “YoroTrooper,” targeting a multitude of entities in Europe and Turkey.

February 14, 2023 08:00

New MortalKombat ransomware and Laplas Clipper malware threats deployed in financially motivated campaign

Since December 2022, Cisco Talos has been observing an unidentified actor deploying two relatively new threats, the recently discovered MortalKombat ransomware and a GO variant of the Laplas Clipper malware, to steal cryptocurrency from victims.

January 19, 2023 08:00

Following the LNK metadata trail

While tracking some prevalent commodity malware threat actors, Talos observed the popularization of malicious LNK files as their initial access method to download and execute payloads. A closer look at the LNK files illustrates how their metadata could be used to identify and track new campaigns.

December 20, 2022 08:00

Threat Spotlight: XLLing in Excel - threat actors using malicious add-ins

As more and more users adopt new versions of Microsoft Office, it is likely that threat actors will turn away from VBA-based malicious documents to other formats such as XLLs or rely on exploiting newly discovered vulnerabilities to launch malicious code.

November 9, 2022 08:00

Threat Spotlight: Cyber Criminal Adoption of IPFS for Phishing, Malware Campaigns

* The InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) is an emerging Web3 technology that is currently seeing widespread abuse by threat actors. * Cisco Talos has observed multiple ongoing campaigns that leverage the IPFS network to host their malware payloads and phishing kit infrastructure