Intellexa and Cytrox: From fixer-upper to Intel Agency-grade spyware
Talos revealed that rebooting an iOS or Android device may not remove the Predator spyware produced by Intellexa. Intellexa knows if their customers intend to perform surveillance operations on foreign soil.
Operation Blacksmith: Lazarus targets organizations worldwide using novel Telegram-based malware written in DLang
Our latest findings indicate a definitive shift in the tactics of the North Korean APT group Lazarus Group.
Kazakhstan-associated YoroTrooper disguises origin of attacks as Azerbaijan
Cisco Talos assesses with high confidence that YoroTrooper, an espionage-focused threat actor first active in June 2022, likely consists of individuals from Kazakhstan based on their use of Kazakh currency and fluency in Kazakh and Russian.
New ShroudedSnooper actor targets telecommunications firms in the Middle East with novel Implants
Cisco Talos has discovered a new intrusion set we're calling "ShroudedSnooper" consisting of two new implants "HTTPSnoop" and "PipeSnoop" targeting telecommunications firms in the middle-east.
Lazarus Group's infrastructure reuse leads to discovery of new malware
Lazarus Group appears to be changing its tactics, increasingly relying on open-source tools and frameworks in the initial access phase of their attacks, as opposed to strictly employing them in the post-compromise phase.
Lazarus Group exploits ManageEngine vulnerability to deploy QuiteRAT
This is the third documented campaign attributed to this actor in less than a year, with the actor reusing the same infrastructure throughout these operations.
Code leaks are causing an influx of new ransomware actors
Cisco Talos is seeing an increasing number of ransomware variants emerge, since 2021, leading to more frequent attacks and new challenges for cybersecurity professionals, particularly regarding actor attribution.
Talos uncovers espionage campaigns targeting CIS countries, embassies and EU health care agency
Cisco Talos has identified a new espionage oriented threat actor, which we are naming “YoroTrooper,” targeting a multitude of entities in Europe and Turkey.
Beyond the basics: Implementing an active defense
An active defense posture, where the defenders actively use threat intelligence and their own telemetry to uncover potential compromises, is the next stage in the cyber security maturity road. Instead of waiting for detections to trigger, defenders can take initiative and hunt threat actors.