Cisco Talos Blog

April 20, 2016 12:04

Threat Spotlight: Exploit Kit Goes International Hits 150+ Countries

Overview Talos is constantly monitoring the threat landscape and exploit kits are a constantly evolving component of it. An ongoing goal of Talos is to expose and disrupt these kits to protect the average internet user being targeted and compromised. We were able to gain unprece

April 11, 2016 09:01

Ransomware: Past, Present, and Future

"What's past is prologue." -- William Shakespeare, The Tempest Introduction The rise of ransomware over the past year is an ever growing problem. Businesses often believe that paying the ransom is the most cost effective way of getting their data back - and this

May 4, 2015 04:00

Threat Spotlight: Rombertik - Gazing Past the Smoke, Mirrors, and Trap Doors

This post was authored by Ben Baker and Alex Chiu. Executive Summary Threat actors and security researchers are constantly looking for ways to better detect and evade each other.  As researchers have become more adept and efficient at malware analysis, malware authors have mad

April 27, 2015 04:39

Threat Spotlight: TeslaCrypt - Decrypt It Yourself

This post was authored by: Andrea Allievi, Earl Carter & Emmanuel Tacheau Update 4/28: Windows files recompiled with backward compatibility in Visual Studio 2008 Update 5/8: We've made the source code available via Github here After the takedown of Cryptolocker, we hav

April 19, 2015 23:05

Threat Spotlight: Upatre - Say No to Drones, Say Yes to Malware

Talos has observed an explosion of malicious downloaders in 2015 which we’ve documented on several occasions on our blog. These downloaders provide a method for attackers to push different types of malware to endpoint systems easily and effectively. Upatre is an example of a mali

April 9, 2015 03:30

Threat Spotlight: SSHPsychos

Introduction Talos has been monitoring a persistent threat for quite some time, a group we refer to as SSHPsychos or Group 93. This group is well known for creating significant amounts of scanning traffic across the Internet. Although our research efforts help inform and protect

April 6, 2015 07:13

Threat Spotlight: Spam Served With a Side of Dridex

This post was authored by Nick Biasini with contributions from Kevin Brooks. Overview The use of macro enabled word documents has exploded over the last year, a primary example payload being Dridex. Last week, Talos researchers identified another short lived spam campaign that

March 3, 2015 04:55

Threat Spotlight: Angler Lurking in the Domain Shadows

Overview Over the last several months Talos researchers have been monitoring a massive exploit kit campaign that is utilizing hijacked registrant accounts to create large amounts of subdomains for both initial redirection and exploitation. This campaign has been largely attribu

September 22, 2014 03:40

Threat Spotlight: “Kyle and Stan” Malvertising Network 9x Larger Than Expected

This post was authored by Armin Pelkmann. On September 8th, Cisco's Talos Security Intelligence & Research Group unveiled the existence of the "Kyle and Stan" Malvertisement Network. The network was responsible for placing malicious advertisements on big websit